Background: I had one of those days at work where I felt like I was drowning, there was so much to do, it was swallowing me up. Just when I thought I was down and out, I get praise from boss and coworker that brought me back to the surface and gave me a refreshed outlook on how I handled the overwhelming amount of work.
Work is one place where this “drowning” can occur, but the place it can happen more often, in my opinion is in the home. Just like work, there are several people demanding your attention and your talents. Unlike work, they demand more than just your labor or expertise, they demand emotion. I guess that’s why we were created with a whole lot of it, because we have to dish a whole lot of it out in all different directions. Another difference from work and home is the opportunity to ask for help before you actually drown. At work, I had that lifeline within eyesight but never asked for it, but they all watched me go under and gladly resuscitated so they can push me out there to do it again the next day. Now I don’t fault them at all. I tied their hands by not asking for help. And this is the difference maker at home, asking for help. Because your family expects that you go out there and do for them everyday, gasping for air and all.
Sometimes the only help is an 8 year old and a G-Ma with bad knees, and being the P31 that you are, you try manage everything and be everywhere for everybody. But drowning everyday in the sea of life with resuscitation of some sort at the end of each will eventually leave some type of permanent damage. I’ve heard it said that systems are put in place for survival, well it’s time to put some systems in place so that you can live everyday and not have to get mouth to mouth just to finish up the day. The P31 had to be a women that had a system. Lets look at some of the “systems” she might have had in place and how she maintained them. These are all in my translation, I hope that doesn’t offend anyone.
v15 – She gets up before the sun rises to prepare food for the family and gives instructions for the people in the house. So if its leaving a note for G-Ma to call and make a dentist appt or detailed instructions for the 8 year old on what to put in his lunch, take the time to instruct those that can and are willing to help.
v16 – She does her research on purchases that she makes before she buys them and does other stuff with the time and money saved. Make a grocery list and cut out some coupons. I’ll admit that I’m not the best with coupons but you may be better than me. Sign up for emails from stores you frequent so you can catch a deal on things you really need. Use some discipline on things that aren’t necessary.
v17- She makes herself strong mentally, spiritually and physically. I can’t stress how important this is. Your mind and body are all you have. Once you start damaging them, you become less helpful to others and drowning can become more of a reality.
v18 – She samples or takes inventory of her work to make sure it’s right. Asking for feedback from those around you is a good way to see if what you are doing is working.
v21 – She prepares. We know the summer is coming and school will be out and that a year is going to go by on the job and a performance review will follow. Prepare for them all the best you can. Not all preparations yield fruitful results but in preparation you should also come up with backup plans.
If you have assistance and a system for the basics and necessities of life, then it frees you up to enjoy the desires of life. It gives you time for you.
References: Proverbs 31:15-18,21