Strategic Planning

Most of us like to spend our after hours with ourselves, friends or significant other. But frequently those hours, or at least some of them, are spent on strategic planning.

Strategic Planning: an organization’s process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy

Budgeting out all the expenses it takes to run your family, deciding how to manage the difficult child in your house, delegating who will go on the next field trip, or do you take advantage of an opportunity that could payoff after investmenting some of your time and resources. This is heavy stuff. But its necessary. Every family should be pointed in a direction and striving toward its goal, with each member playing a significant role. Yes, even the infant plays a role in the family, and the goldfish too.

Families dissipate for all kinds of reasons but I believe that if there is a common goal that we strive for as a unit, we can make it in this world. We shouldn’t just exist, we should persist. Take the time to plan, even if it shortens your date night or precious few hours of sleep. It makes everything run smoother and in the long run yields success.


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