Introducing….A blog about us

Background: This is long overdue. I wanted to write about how powerful God-fearing women are based upon the passage of Scripture in Proverbs chapter 31 by sharing events in my life as well as those of others willing to share.


P31, short for Proverbs 31. A very familiar passage of the Bible that starts at verse 10 of that chapter and ends at verse 31. I’m compelled to write about my experiences from the viewpoint of this passage. It’s always encouraging to know that someone else is or has been in your shoes. Its nice to know that everyone messes up big but can have an even bigger recovery. So for those of us that proudly embrace the characteristics of this passage, I dedicate this blog to you.

A P31 woman:
– fears the Lord
– is not idle
– oversees how things go in her house
– is wise and kind
– looks forward to the future
– is strong and honorable
– is a businesswoman
– prepares her family for hard times
– is strong physically, spiritually and mentally
– makes transactions that produce a yield
– exposes her family to different cuisines
– prepares a plan of action and delegates
– works willingly with her hands
– gives to the poor and needy
– is trustworthy
– does her husband good

The stories, experiences, and expressions of the heart displayed in these posts are meant to showcase the joy, the awesome responsibility, and the various lessons learned as we live God-fearing lives. Some will make you laugh, others made me cry, but my hope is that no one feels like they are the only one’s that experience the trials and joys that come to us all.

I’m inviting you to share your comments and the revelation you receive from your adventures. We all have teachable moments and it would be my pleasure to share them among mine. I look forward to sharing these posts with you.

Proverbs 31:10-31

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WOW — 16 characteristics to achieve! Thanks for allowing God to use you to unfold this platform for sharing our experiences. I’m very proud of you! Love ya – Mom!

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