Background: After writing the first blog, I thought maybe I should extend some encouragement.By no means am I perfect. If you have read the 31st chapter of Proverbs you automatically get a picture of perfection in your mind. This woman gets up early to fix everyone breakfast, prepares everything for her day, makes everyone’s clothes, even goes out to buy and sell for her family. Her husband is bragging on her to his friends and the children are singing her praises.Doesn’t sound like me on an everyday basis. Breakfast consists of something that may have been good for your heart before I put it in the microwave. The word preparation appears in my dreams. My husband, well, I know I do all the right things, I just hope it’s enough to be a conversation piece with someone other than me at least once a week. And today the kids are whining and crying rather than singing my praises. If you can relate to any portion of this, and you read my first blog that outlined the characteristics of a woman mentioned in Proverbs 31, you might say ‘I can’t be that woman’. And you’re probably right.
The truth is, we can’t obtain this without the help of the Almighty God, direction of Holy Spirit, and the love of Christ. Everyday may not be something to write home about, but the days that are, lets make them count. Being a P31 is first a state of your heart and then a state of mind. If you purpose in your heart to be all that you can be for your family, it will affect your thoughts toward them and give you purpose when it comes to meeting their needs. If you’re lacking in some of the areas listed in the last post, like I am, be encouraged. Perfection was embodied in Jesus Christ and as long as we remain his, he will fit the bill in our place.
Reference: Proverbs 31:30, Proverbs 31:28
1 Comment
Add Yours →Just wanted to support a fellow, writer, musician and all-around good family lady. I look forward to hearing what God has to say through you and to you. I have watched you and Calvin start and cultivate a great story – the marriage, the family and your service to Christ. I have to say – I’m quite impressed!!!
Both Calvin and I know that he is a very blessed man to have married one of the few P31 women left!!!!