The good end of a mistake

Background: I went shopping today and I get to my car and had to check my receipt because I made out good today! Only to find that the cashier didn’t ring up the shoes that bought. I took the shoes back in and paid for them. The cashier was surprised she had made that mistake and thanked me for being honest. Three-fourths of the way home I realize she also forgot to ring up a few other items! I refuse to drive back, it wasn’t over $10 worth of merchandise anyway, so I get the good end of the mistake.

This was in no way a blessing because blessings add no sorrow and I was feeling bad for this lady. Her drawer is going to come up short tonight. But I’m not inconveniencing myself anymore for someone elses mistake. I’m grateful God isn’t that way toward us, He gives us as many genuine tries as we need. Unfortunately for this lady, I haven’t ascended. This post isn’t about my ascension but about being focused, so someone else doesn’t benefit from your mistakes.

On the job: Lack of mental focus can cause mistakes on the job. And mistakes on the job can cause bodily harm, loss of revenue, or demotion/cut in pay. Those kinds of mistakes not only hurt you, but they can hurt the company you work for if enough mistakes are made, ultimately causing you to get laid off.

In relationships: Focus in relationships requires that you be in tune with what’s going on with the other person. If you don’t take the time to check in with friends or loved ones, find out what they are interested in, or determine the best way to communicate with them, you will make a mistake that could cost you the respect of your child, the affection of your spouse, or the loyalty of a good friend.
With God: Man, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve fouled up with God. I’ve matured quite a bit so the mistakes cause less damage. But the key to focus on with God, is to recognize and acknowledge the mistake, repent (which means you intend to never do it again and add corresponding action), and change your thoughts and actions to steer clear of your mistake.
Distractions: Participating in these are initially not intentional but they are designed to become habitual. If you find yourself doing things that are time robbers or cause you to slack up on your responsibilities, chances are you’ve fallen prey to a distraction. These cause you to lose focus and neglect the things and people that are important.

I don’t want my lack of focus to open the door to another woman to seduce my husband. I don’t need my lack of focus to push my children away to gangs, drugs or promiscuity. I’m certainly not losing out on an opportunity to advance my career and aspirations due to a lack of focus. Now, do mistakes happen? They sure do, almost daily. But the goal is to minimize the damage caused by mistakes. My interjections are in purple, but this passage of Proverbs 31 best sums up this post.

Proverbs 31:3-7 (MSG) Don’t dissipate your virility (time and energy) on fortune-hunting women, promiscuous women (distractions) who shipwreck leaders. 4-7 “Leaders can’t afford to make fools of themselves, gulping wine and swilling beer, Lest, hung over (unfocused), they don’t know right from wrong, and the people who depend on them are hurt.

References: Proverbs 31: 3-7

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