Time for Lovin’


It’s 9 o’clock and all children should be in bed. It’s time to start the After Hours. That glorious time of day when you hang up all your titles and let your hair down. Whether you spend your after hours alone or share them with your spouse, these hours are crucial to refueling for the next shift. Unfortunately, if you’re like me, you have a nasty habit of allowing the PM shift to run over into the after hours. While that is sometimes necessary, it should not be habitual. The after hours are for loving on yourself.

Taking care of yourself as a parent is one of the keys to good parenting. If we are sleep deprived, sick, void of joy and excitement, we will not be able to give our children and those around us the best of ourselves. So leave the 5 to 9 on time and dedicate some good loving on yourself during the after hours. A few ideas for you: sleep (adequate amounts), go to the gym, make love to your spouse, make/build something (might want to save that for a weekend), soak in the tub, mani/pedi, read a good book, watch a movie. There are countless things you could do, but make an effort to do something that refreshes you so that you can face the next shift with a good countenance and clarity of thought.

Enjoy the after hours!

Post your after hours plans on facebook, twitter or instagram  #5to9afterhours


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