Patience Perfection

Background: Well, there are a lot of things going on in our house right now. We’re in a transition stage (a glory to glory transition, nothing bad). But even in a good transition, being patient and remaining in faith can be difficult.

I want it now! I like quick results. In a group setting, while others mull over the pros and cons of different solutions to a problem, I always opt that we do something, and do it quickly. If it doesn’t work, let’s go back to the drawing board. I hate wasting time, and above all I hate for other people to waste MY time. Lord help! Everything about God requires patience and I want everything God has to offer.

Proverbs 31:31 Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.

We all know that fruit is a result of planting a seed and that a seed doesn’t transform into fruit after 30 seconds of water and sunlight. Some plants sprout in weeks while others take months. And removing fruit that has not ripened is not good for immediate consumption and won’t ever reach it’s full size or purpose. The P31 obviously has given her seeds time to grow and flourish, so much so that others are praising her because of the fruit that she has produced. So what seeds did she plant? Made belts for merchants, fed and gave instruction to her servants. She gave to the needy and poor. She clothed and fed her family. She made her husband both popular and satisfied. She was not vain, she sold quality products and made good business deals. She was a wise steward of time and resources.

Having patience is a necessity for seeing what God has promised. If we do what he says and be patient, we’ll see it. If we want to resemble a P31 and receive the praise due a P31, we must be patient and diligent in overseeing our households and ensuring that we are profitable. And over time we will see the fruit. Quitting is never an option because you never know the point when your seed will sprout out from the ground. You must do, and have patience while you are doing  in order to get the fruit or reward. Imagine with me for a moment. A 16 year old foreign girl (in some time period long, long ago), just married to this man that her parents thought was a good fit for the family. She’s been trained how to do the basics, but now she’s on her own court, playing with her own ball. How does she develop her own game, her own style of living. Her parents have planted the basics in her and she is a flourishing result of their sowing. Now in order to develop herself and her household, she must start sowing. Literally and spiritually.

This is true for us. We must sow the word of God into our lives as well as the wisdom of those who do what we want to do, and do it well. As we plant these seeds we come up with gardens and vineyards that are diverse and profitable. But this is achieved only with patience. There are other scriptures that could be used to supplement this post, but my goal is to inspire in a captivating, yet brief way. But check out the scriptures that refer to patience and stand on them. Keep sowing and plowing, exercise patience and trust in your source, almighty God.

References Proverbs 31:31

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