Walmart Meltdown

Grocery shopping is usually done during the PM shifts or the weekend, but this particular morning, for reasons I won’t delve into, I went shopping during the AM shift. And I typically do not shop at Walmart but it beats the other 24hr alternatives in pricing and selection, if you’re shopping in the middle of the night.

So what item on my list brought me to the verge of meltdown in the Supercenter? Stickers! I needed some for work and why on earth would the biggest discount store in the nation, probably the world, not have a jumbo pack or 500 page sticker book?! They have everything else! I did find a suitable alternative, and they worked out fine, but I expect more from you Walmart ;-).

The moral to my meltdown is to remain calm. There will always be an outcome that works, even if its not the one you planned.  So don’t loose your head over situations that look like a disaster. Even if it ends bad, life goes on and we as humans have the tendency to rebound.




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