Pity Party

Background: I was invited to this pity party. It was kinda lame because I was the only one there.

These parties get organized when all of the heroic things we do everyday become a weight. And when others don’t appreciate the weight of what you do, this funny thing starts rising up in you. Negative thoughts begin organizing themselves in your mind. They gather together and they pump up the volume, so loudly that those thoughts are all you hear. And the party commences. Your thoughts offer you to drink of their negativity and you become intoxicated with their suggestions of how no one appreciates you, or they don’t like or love you. Then the thoughts begin to overwhelm you to the point that it begins to show in your words and actions that you’ve been entertaining negative thoughts.

The truth is, we’ve all attended these parties at least a few times in our life. You’re always the only one there because they are meant to change your thoughts and ultimately your words and actions in a negative direction. If others were invited, they might sway your thoughts in the opposite direction, thus negating the purpose of the pity party. The fuel for pity parties may be legitimate things that go on in our lives, but it is up to us to stop, drop, and roll if we perceive we’re participating in a pity party.

She senses the worth of her work. Her children respect and bless her; her husband joins in with words of praise: “Many women have done wonderful things,but you’ve outclassed them all!” Give her everything she deserves! Festoon her life with praises!

These verses are the antidote to pity parties.

  • Remember your worth. Instead of condemning others for not recognizing you, think of how privileged you are to serve the ones in your life and how special your role is to them.

  • Don’t be impatient and give up hope that your efforts will be appreciated. Look for other ways that appreciation is being expressed, it may come in a different package than you were expecting.

  • Lastly, when the praises and gifts come, receive them, with love and thanks.

Pity party invitations are a part of life, but you can always choose to decline the invitation. And if you’ve already participated in pity party, stop what you’re doing, drop those negative thoughts and roll into some thoughts that are positive.

References: Proverbs 31:18, 28-29, 31

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